MDNR Trail Density Analysis

Michigan Department of
Natural Resources

Pinckney & Waterloo State Recreation Areas


Completion Date

As part of our work assisting the Michigan Department of Natural Resources with the general management planning process for state park and recreation areas throughout Michigan, our team conducted a trails density analysis Pinckney and Waterloo State Recreation Areas. Due to the extensive trail system that connects these parks to each other and within the region, it was clear that a complete understanding of the trails was necessary prior to developing the comprehensive general management plan for these recreation areas. Through a Global Positioning System (GPS) inventory of the 91.5 miles of designated trails within these two parks, our trails maps identified trail routes to sub-meter accuracy. The assessment included types of trails (mountain bike, equestrian, and/or hiking), primary trail users, trail widths, trail surfaces, existing trail structures (bridges, boardwalks, culverts, signage), and problem areas resulting from erosion or poor trail location. Our team involved the various user groups in the process through focus groups, stakeholder workshops, and surveys to understand existing and future trail needs. Given the lack of standards or even “best practices” for trail densities, we conducted a review of various studies from across the country. The resulting report included an evaluation of the existing trail densities, trail conditions, areas of user conflicts, natural resource impact and an assessment of the ability of the DNR and user groups to maintain and repair trails. This analysis provided guidance as to where existing trail density appeared to be appropriate, areas that revealed evidence of overuse, as well as areas that could accommodate new or expanded trails.